BADAS Policies
It is a privilege to use the Beaumont & District Agricultural Society (BADAS) Fairground. In response to observed abuse of this privilege, the Society has now adopted this Abusive Patrons Policy.
The BADAS Fairground is private property. Thus, Beaumont & District Agricultural Society reserves the right to sanction at its complete discretion any User who abuses the privilege of using the Fairground.
It is considered abusive use if the User:
- Does not gain permission to use the Fairground. For information on how to obtain permission to use the Fairground, contact BADAS via its website or email the General Manager at
- Does not pay fees associated with use of the Fairground.
- Does not hold valid insurance for all animals brought onto the Fairground.
- Does not control the behaviour of animals brought onto the Fairground.
- Exhibits dangerous or disrespectful behaviour dangerous to self or others.
- Any other actions that the Society deems an abuse of the privilege.
The Society will implement the following sanctions as it deems appropriate:
- Provide a verbal or written warning to cease an abusive action.
- Place the User’s name on a list for consideration of further sanction.
- Fine the User or increase facility fees for that User.
- Suspend the User’s privilege until further notice.
- Any unauthorized entrance onto the property, or unauthorized use or activity on the property, is considered illegal trespassing and may result in contacting law enforcement to remove the abusive patron from the property, and/or initiation of legal proceedings.
Other sanctions may be levied at the discretion of the BADAS Board of Directors.
The BADAS Board of Directors will review this policy every 1 to 2 years from the date created or as required.
Beaumont & District Agricultural Society (BADAS) operates the Gerry Patsula Community Garden (GPCG) that is located on the agricultural fairgrounds west of Beaumont.
- Operating procedures will be reviewed and approved yearly by the BADAS Board of Directors.
- All garden plot applicants must be members of Beaumont & District Agricultural Society and hold valid membership at time of plot application.
- All plot applications are to be made through the online registration portal. If you are unable to complete the online application, please contact the GPCG Coordinator. A separate application will be required for each plot requested.
- Plot availability will be determined by chronological confirmation from the online registration portal. Although there is no guarantee that repeat gardeners will have same plot every year, where possible the GPCG Team will keep gardeners in the same plot if requested.
- Plot Types and Fees:
- Full Plot (Rectangle 20’ x 30’ or 600 sq. ft.) $80 – Quantity 65.
- Half Plot (Triangle 20’ wide x 30’ long for 300 sq. ft.) $40 – Quantity 9.
- Half Plot (Rectangle 20’ x 15’ for 300 sq. ft.) $40 – Quantity 24.
- Raised Bed Plot (Cedar planter 30” high x 4’ wide x 8’ long) $25 – Quantity 3.
- Dates:
- Garden Season is from Mother’s Day in May to the week after Thanksgiving in October.
- Orientation Sessions: There are 3 orientation sessions that are compulsory for gardeners to attend.
- All garden plot users must be included on plot application. Please inform GPCG coordinator of changes during the garden season.
- Upkeep of the garden plot during the growing season is the responsibility of the gardener or group assigned to the plot. If the plot is not being maintained or weeds are left uncontrolled the gardener will receive a warning. If after receiving a warning there is no change in maintenance to the plot, BADAS reserves the right to release the gardener and to plow under the garden plot. The gardener shall be notified of this action prior to its occurrence and shall NOT receive any reimbursement for costs incurred. The plot may be re-assigned if there is a waiting list.
- The GPCG follows organic principles. The use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides is not permitted. ONLY the BADAS Board of Directors is allowed to authorize use of chemicals on the fairgrounds.
- BADAS Requirements:
Maintain any unassigned plots.
Fairgrounds maintenance around the community gardens.
Maintain shared garden equipment (water pump, tillers, hoses).
Primary soil preparation prior to plot assignment.
- Gardener Requirements:
- Be responsible for the upkeep of the garden plot such as weeding, cleaning up non-organic garden aides (stakes, pea fence, row markers, etc.).
- Will NOT use any non-organic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides (If you have a question about a product, ask the GPCG Coordinator for clarification).
- Responsible to provide own seeds, plants and gardening tools.
- Lock access gate when you are the last one leaving fairgrounds.
- All pets at the GPCG must be on leashes and must not interfere with other gardeners or plots.
- Advise other gardeners sharing the applicants plot on the operational procedures.
- Adhere to the BADAS Abusive Patron Policy (refer to BADAS website – URL to be supplied later).
- All garden plot users will complete a waiver form prior to plot assignment (refer to BADAS website – URL to be supplied later).
- Attend one orientation session prior to receiving a plot.
- Remove all materials and crops by end of season in October when gardens close for season (residual plant matter is okay to leave on plot, but non-organic garden aides need to be removed).
- Gardeners are not to drive beyond the garden site; specifically, vehicles are not to be driven on the Cross-Country Course.
- Children accompanying gardeners must not roam beyond the garden area.
- Failure to comply with these procedural guidelines will result in a warning and could result in loss of garden plot without refund.
- Advice on how to be a good community garden neighbour:
- Do not plant in a manner that your plants will shade or encroach on an adjacent plot.
- Roll up hoses, refill water barrels when low, put watering cans away when finished.
- Remove or chop up large woody plants (sunflowers and corn stalks) at the end of season.
- Be respectful of the variety of different gardening techniques and approaches.
- Remove entangled plant material from tillers after use.
- Refill fuel in water pump and tillers when low.
- Follow directions on the proper use of water pump and tillers.
- DO NOT dispose of diseased plants or weeds that have gone to seed in common compost.
- Practice crop rotation and sustainable gardening.
- Notify GPCG coordinator of operational & garden issues or suspicious activity.
- Contact information:
- Additional information can be found at:
URL for new website and ‘Gardens’ section to be supplied later
- GPCG Operating Procedures to be reviewed annually.
- Authorization MUST be obtained from the Beaumont & District Agricultural Society (BADAS) Board before using the Cross-Country Course. Making a confirmed booking through the BADAS Website, Booking Volunteer, General Manager, or designate, effectively gives approval to use the Course.
- Bookings are on a first-come, first-served basis. A completed and signed Booking Form (see the BADAS website) is required. The form includes contact information for the coach that will be training the riders. At least one individual, normally the coach, must be designated as the Person Responsible (PR), who assumes responsibility for the riders, horses and facilities under her/his care and control, exact payment of the required fees, and completion/signing of the Equine Waiver.
[See the BADAS Booking Procedure and Form, available on the BADAS website, for more details.] - Fees MUST be paid and participating groups signed in for each session (visit) to the Cross-Country Course, before riding. Once per year, each rider (parent/guardian if rider under 18) MUST sign and submit an Equine Use Waiver form prior to riding. Signatures must be witnessed.
- Each time a riding group uses the X-C Course, the PR or designate must fill in the Sign-In sheet provided by BADAS at the Sign-In Station on the grounds.
- In the event of inclement weather and/or poor ground conditions, the facility will be closed. Please confirm availability of the course with a BADAS Booking Agent or the General Manager. Please refer to the Course Closure Policy (over) for further details.
- Insurance coverage is mandatory. All riders must provide proof of current Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF) or equivalent insurance coverage, if requested. In the event of an out of Province rider, equivalent equestrian Provincial Sport Organization insurance coverage must be proven.
- ALL riders (no exceptions) MUST wear approved helmets, riding boots and cross-country vests while mounted.
- NO lone riders are allowed if using jumps. A qualified instructor/coach MUST accompany an individual rider or group of riders at all times while schooling jumps on the Course. If the instructor is mounted and using the jumps while schooling, there must be another responsible person over the age of 18, mounted or un-mounted, accompanying them. It is advisable to carry a cell phone.
[NOTE: Lone riders may use the BADAS Cross-Country Course if they are not jumping (hack riding).] - The top rail on Cross-Country jumps must remain in place at all times.
- Closed jumps will be marked as such and cannot be jumped. A penalty will result, including possible lifetime ban from the Course.
- Use of the large water jump is prohibited when the water level is low. There should be at least 4 inches (10 cm) of water (easily cover an adult’s foot and horse’s hoof) in the center of this jump. The north end of this “pond” is deeper, the south end shallower. If the bottom is exposed at the south end, the water level is likely too low.
- Use of the small water jump (north-central area of Course) is prohibited if the water level is too low or too high. There should be at least 4 inches (10 cm) and less than 1 foot (30 cm) of water in the center of this jump to facilitate safe riding/jumping.
- Report all needed repairs to the Operations Manager, General Manager or designate.
- Absolutely no glass containers to be used on the Course or brought outside of RVs and buildings.
- All dogs must always be kept under control and on-leash. Dogs are not allowed in the stands. Violators of this policy will be removed from the premises and are subject to Abusive Patrons Policy.
Common Etiquette:
- Please pick up poops wherever you park (grassed areas) and along the roadway (any graveled areas).
- Please place all other garbage in appropriate bins.
- No tying of horses to jumps.
Cross-Country Course Closure Policy
- The Cross-Country Course, or portions the Course, may be closed at the sole discretion of Beaumont & District Agricultural Society (BADAS).
- Closure of the Course will take place when, in the opinion of the Society:
- conditions pose a potential threat to the safety of riders and/or horses;
- use would cause damage to the Course;
- closure of the Course is necessary to preserve ground conditions for upcoming shows or events, to allow set up of the Course for a show or event, or is a requirement of the show or event; and
- where closure is deemed to be necessary due to any other circumstance.
- In cases of Course closure, individuals or groups who have booked the use of the Course will be notified of the closure by telephone, email or text message, and notice of the course will be posted at the Sign-In Station.
- Individuals or groups who make use of the Course while it is closed will be responsible for repairs or payment for all repairs that are necessary as a result of their use during closure. Other penalties, including the possibility of a lifetime ban from using the Course, will be imposed.
- In the event that the Course is closed after payment of booking or rental fees, such fees will be refunded by BADAS to the payer of the fees.
Policy Administration
- The BADAS Board of Directors will review this policy every 1 to 2 years from the date created or as required.
View the most recent COVID-19 protocol document.