Estimate the earliest time that particpants will be arriving at the BADAS Fairground on the haul-in date.
If you have a large group, are considering using the facility for 2 or more consecutive days (an “event”), and/or require exclusive use of the facility, consider entering into a Rental Agreement for your event. A BADAS Rental Agreement will be prepared by one of the Booking Agents based on the information provided in this form.
BADAS defines Person Responsible (PR) as an adult who has or shares responsibility for the care, training, custody and management of horses and riders in the group, and for any act performed by any person in the group while it is schooling or riding/driving on the BADAS Fairgrounds. Responsibility extends to ensuring respectful use of the stables and other parts of the BADAS Fairgrounds, payments are correct and made in full, waivers and sign‐in information is correct and complete, and emergency help is obtained if needed. In the case of a clinic or large event, an Alternate Person Responsible should be added, as the person responsible for the respectful use of facilities, and care/conduct while not engaged in training activities