Parade Registration Form

Registration for the 2025 BADAS Beaumont Days Parade is Required

Completed registration forms must be submitted by 11:00 PM, May 21, 2025
Register for the Parade online using the form below.



École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School, 5417 43 Ave, Beaumont, AB T4X 1K1.  The 2025 Parade will marshall on the one-way service road that surrounds the High School.  Arrive at the East entrance to the service road, check-in at the registration desk there, and follow the service road around until you are stopped and placed in line, tight against the right-hand side curb, by one of the volunteer parade marshalls working at the site. 

NOTE:  There are speed bumps on the service road.  Follow instructions to form up and leave the site at 11:00 AM sharp when the parade starts.  It will proceed west on the Ring Road.  Return to the same location to disband.
Date: Saturday, May 24, 2025
Time: Assembly from 08:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Judging from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. Parade starts at 11:00 AM sharp.


  1. Online registration is available below and opens automatically in this ‘Event’ window.  Complete the Parade Registration Form 2024, fill in and sign the Parade Release Form portion, and click ‘Submit’.
    • Confirmation copies will be sent to you, the registrant, and to Beaumont & District Ag Society’s Admin email address.
    • Deadline to register for the 2025 Parade:  May 21 at 11:00 PM.
    • Registrations will be limited to 45 due to the limited space for marshalling and parking.
    • Contact Bruce Walker at ad***@be***************.com for more information or assistance.
  2. Organizations that have insurance, and all vehicles, trailers, or other insurable conveyances used as part of your parade entry require proof of valid insurance coverage.  The Parade Insurance Form 2024 has been designed for this purpose and, if required, should open at the end of the registration form.  Proof of insurance includes Name of Insurance Co., Policy No., and Expiry date.  Do not include or send copies of pink slips or insurance documents.
  3. All equestrian entries also require proof of valid AEF (or equivalent) insurance coverage, which can also be provided on the Parade Insurance Form 2024.  All that is required here is a valid AEF (or equivalent) number.  Draft horses may be insured under a farm or business policy — enter this information as you would for an organization or vehicle (see Item #2. above).
  4. Marshalling will take place along the service road that surrounds École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School. Participants can be dropped off at the marshaling area; limited parking spots are available in the High School parking lot.
  5. To avoid traffic jams and parking issues, we strongly encourage parade entries with lots of children or small animals (e.g. dogs) to assemble elsewhere in town before proceeding to the marshalling area. If this will not work, please encourage your participants to car-pool!
  6. All parade entries should be in place by 10:00 AM. The parade judges will roam the marshalling area to view entries beginning at about 9:00 AM. The judges’ decisions are final for awarding prizes.
  7. Ribbons or banners will be given to prize winners prior to the parade. Trophies and prizes will be presented after the parade in the service road/parking area in front of École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School.
  8. For Safety Reasons, Novelties and Candy MUST NOT BE THROWN from the floats. They may however be passed out by hand or carefully and safely tossed to the curb. Please avoid hitting any onlookers.
  9. Please leave water pistols, water balloons and super-soakers at home! We are discouraging water fights between parade participants and spectators to respect entrants with animals and special vehicles.
  10. Pets must be leashed or caged. All town by-laws must be adhered to.
  11. We ask that parade participants follow the direction of parade volunteers regarding placement, pace, etc.

To participate, you must complete the Registration form  below and Insurance form Here for the 2025 BADAS Beaumont Days Parade.